
Sunday, February 24, 2019

My Favourite Author †Ayn Rand Essay

We be fast approaching the symbolise of the supreme inversion the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens whitethorn act only by permission which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. Ayn Rand, who lived from 1905 to 1982, made this statement over 50 years ago in 1961. One can only supporter notwithstanding wonder if theres a better panache to describe the state of our country today in 2013. There major power be a lot of issues on which an intellectual mind may differ with Ayn Rand but on this particular statement, most would agree today. We major power not already be there, in that stage but we be fast approaching it. The stage where all the fundamental rights are close for the government, and whoever the government might decide to bestow them upon. The right to the freedom of language seemed to be one of the first to be sacrificed followed by the right to comparison before law.Th e others might just follow suit. This assertion is not found in vacuum but on the argument that how many an(prenominal) great deal have suffered arrests and exile for executing their right to freedom of speech and how many people have faced the wrath of biased legal quest and persecution to satisfy the collective conscience of the fraternity? Ayn Rand had, time and again, stressed on this very aspect of the course that we have been taking. Although her writings were based on American context, they can easily be seen to reflect the global society and also, specifically our Indian societal and administrative system. And that is why Ayn Rand is my favourite author.For the ideas she propagated are universally applicable and are highly rational even though they have been widely criticised as impractical. And throughout her life she defended those ideas by her writings, by her life and by her conduct never compromising on her conviction. Her philosophical system and school of though t came to be known as objectivism. It is based on the concept of objective reality that demands that a mans holiness should not be based on faith, emotions or arbitrary whims but on reason and rationality that can be demonstrated when in question. There are few things that can inspire a person throughout their life Ayn Rands words have that potential. She exalt me.

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